We are committed to the highest standards of Corporate Governance and Social Responsibility.

Updated on February 15, 2023

web3 Holdings is committed to the highest standards of Corporate Governance and Social Responsibility. Effective Corporate Governance is critical to achieving corporate goals and increasing shareholder value. web3 Holdings believes it is important to gain and retain the trust of investors, employees, customers, suppliers and partners. The web3 Holdings team is currently searching for independent directors and creating an audit committee to review related party transactions and other matters.

Currently, the Board of Directors and Management are responsible for representing the interests of shareholders and key stakeholders. These responsibilities are performed with an unwavering commitment to achieve the highest standards of integrity, responsibility and compliance with all laws. The Board of Directors and Management ensures web3 Holdings’s success is aligned with a commitment to a set of core principles, with an emphasis on corporate responsibility, while conducting all business activities with the highest ethical standards.

We do not currently comply with the corporate governance standards that would be required if our shares were listed on a national securities exchange. In particular, we do not have any independent directors and we have not created an audit committee to review related party transactions or other matters. We have adopted a Code of Business Conduct and Ethics that applies to our directors, officers and employees, including our principal executive officer and principal financial and accounting officer.